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reference : 24950 House ARCANGUES - 64 Pyrenees-Atlantiques

1 495 000 €

Commission fee charged to the seller

241.9 m2

5 bedrooms

10 rooms

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Just outside Biarritz, discover this spacious house in Arcangues, perfect for a large family or as a vacation home. With its 10 spacious rooms, including 5 bedrooms, this residence offers all the necessary comfort.

For your convenience, several bus lines and the shops at the Docks are within walking distance. Biarritz train station is also just a 9-minute walk away.

Nearby schools, parks, and forests add to the charm of this home. Refresh it to your taste and enjoy its pool for relaxing family moments.

Don't miss this unique opportunity!

Property features

Global view :

  • Living space : 340 m2
  • Living space : 241.9 m2
  • No. of rooms : 10  [Hide] [See details]
    • Entrée (6.4 m²)
    • Studio (28.2 m²)
    • Bureau (10.7 m²)
    • Cellier (3.7 m²)
    • Bureau (13 m²)
    • Dégagement (8.2 m²)
    • Buanderie (1.7 m²)
    • Séjour-cuisine (96.6 m²)
    • WC (1.7 m²)
    • Chambre (11.3 m²)
    • Dressing (4.2 m²)
    • Salle d'eau (5.1 m²)
    • Chambre (14.7 m²)
    • Chambre (11.1 m²)
    • Salle de bains (6.7 m²)
    • Dégagement (3.2 m²)
    • Chambre (7.1 m²)
    • Chambre (6.9 m²)
    • Garage (38.7 m²)
    • WC (1.4 m²)

The advantages :

  • Garage
  • View Dégagée

Equipments :

  • Garage : 2 place(s)
  • WC séparés
  • Chauffage : Individuel au gaz radiateur gaz
  • Eau chaude : Ballon électrique
  • Façade : Moellon crépi
  • Isolation : Simple vitrage

Energy performances

logement extrêmement performantlogement extrêmement peu performantconsommationémissions(énergie primaire)18226kWh/m2.ankg CO2/m2.anPassoire énergétique
* Dont émissions de gaz à effet de serre peu d'émissions de CO2 Émissions de CO2 très importantes kgCO 2 /m 2 .an 26

DPE date : 01/06/2022

To know

Information on natural and geological risks this property is exposed to is available on the Géorisques website: :

agence immobilière CENTURY 21 Berritzea

CENTURY 21 Berritzea

31 avenue de Verdun

+33 (0)5 25 23 01 34

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