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  3. Harmonie Décoration : Une transmission familiale

Harmonie Décoration : A family transmission

Harmonie Décoration : Une transmission familiale

It was in 1988 that Alain and Alice Maisetti created Harmonie Decoration together, a complementary partnership that works! Over thirty years they have created a successful business gaining the loyalty and trust of their clients. The “Harmonie Decoration” touch can be found in some of the most beautiful villas in the south, combining quality, classicism, and eclecticism.

Conviviality and sharing

Alice: « Initially it was not our profession. We purchased the boutique and the adventure began from there ».

A benchmark in the field of decoration with a demanding clientele from France and abroad, the family saga continues. Three years ago, Alain and Alice passed the business on to their son, Antoine.

Alice: « Antoine worked with us for two years and then left to pursue other professional experiences, particularly in golfing, at that time there was no question of him taking over the business. He joined us again in 2019 and worked hard to acquire the necessary skills to integrate the team. There are now seven of us in total. We are delighted with this family succession but as soon as we can, we hope to travel and enjoy our retirement and grandchildren!»

Harmonie Décoration : Une transmission familiale

Antoine is a born entrepreneur. A former high-level athlete, and a dynamic thirty-year-old in perpetual movement, he has high ambitions for the family business with a commitment to strengthen and develop the foundations created by his parents.

He has designed an open office where his staff are in direct contact with private and professional clients.

Local developers to whom they offer turnkey installations for busy clients who trust them to provide a finished product. Their services include furnishing the villa, selecting the lighting, and even deciding what cutlery and pool towels to choose.

Estate agents put their trust in Harmonie Decoration to improve existing market properties through their home staging service that renders properties more attractive to procure a quick sale.

Harmonie Décoration : Une transmission familiale

They also work with architects and interior designers, decorating each house in line with the owners’ taste to create a warm and pleasant environment.

All the team keep up to date with recent trends, displaying in their newly redecorated showroom a catalogue of suppliers who can provide a wide selection to satisfy all client tastes.

Antoine: « It has been three years since I took over the business. I realise that I learnt a lot about customer relations when working at the golf course and alongside Paul Canarelli at the “Domaine de Murtoli”, which has been invaluable.».

We work on the theme of wellbeing

Antoine: « When I put together the team, I shook up my parents’ working habits. I also completely renovated the boutique, creating an open living space that customers could identify and feel at home with and be given advice on their home decoration. The team are there to discuss ideas and assist clients with their decorating choices, which also reflect Corsican trends. It is my fundamental way of thinking. For example, we integrate old materials in new villas. What is most important to me is our relationship with our clients, our partners and our suppliers…what matters most is their well-being ».

Alice and Alain:« We are proud of this family succession and the future of the business».

Antoine:« My parents have taught me a great deal and I have a good team to ensure the continuation of the shop. ».

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