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  1. Fine Homes and Estates
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  3. Julien SIMI, un architecte passionné

Julien SIMI. A passion for Architecture

Julien SIMI, un architecte passionné

33-year-old architect Julien Simi came back to work in Porto-Vecchio three years ago after an atypical training. His initial training was in Corte where he discovered all the building trades, before focusing on architecture.

An extensive training

After a year in Paris, four in Switzerland, then returning to Paris, he is qualified in both countries and has a wider vision of the profession; from building a tower to constructing a villa, from a highly creative vision to a very practical consideration of constraints and innovation.

Based on his experiences, he defines himself as « un architecte tout terrain qui cherche toujours à concilier au mieux sa perception du projet avec le point de vue et les attentes de son client, plutôt qu’à imposer à tout prix sa création ».

JS: « When I start a project, I have to listen and guide the client, but I also sometimes propose something different that can be modified. I try to make the client aware of his building’s capacity to evolve over time, if they want to enjoy it in the long term».

Julien SIMI, un architecte passionné

Coming home

JS: « It was essential for me to be near my family after all those years on the mainland and abroad».

In southern Corsica where, until a few years ago, it was mainly a question of new builds, now it is mainly old houses from the 70s and 80s that are bought to be renovated and updated, which suits Julien perfectly. .

JS: «The challenge nowadays is to propose adaptations of existing spaces to contemporary lifestyles whilst respecting the heritage of our elders »

Julien SIMI, un architecte passionné

His guiding principle is to preserve the history, environment and beauty of the sites.

For the time being, Julien Simi prefers to work alone and to be available for his clients whilst exchanging points of view with other local architects and remaining attentive to the developments that are taking shape in Corsica and elsewhere.

JS: «In this profession, the initial phase is working with a pencil, creating the project with the client. Then comes its implementation using a network of different trades where we are a bit like conductors ensuring that, for each project, everyone is playing the same piece ».

Architect, a job with passion…

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