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  3. Au Domaine de Murtoli, un golf unique au monde

An interview at Murtoli Golf Course

Au Domaine de Murtoli, un golf unique au monde

The continuity of an authentic and natural environment.

The Domaine de Murtoli, owned by Paul Canarelli, is renowned for its respect of the environment and its history, as well as the hospitable ambiance of its stone lodges and the simple sophistication of its restaurants.
All in true Corsican tradition.

In 2013, Kyle Phillips, a renowned landscape architect specialising in coastal golf courses (called links), designed the exceptional project at Murtoli. The strategic design preserves the existing natural features of the land.

That was the start of the collaboration between the two men that resulted in a 12-hole golf course where the configuration can be changed daily. Murtoli Golf Links joined the ranks of the world’s most acclaimed golf courses.

In 2019, the owner recruited Stephanie Orsucci as golf course manager from the Old Course Cannes Golf Link where she had been working for 15 years. We spoke to her……

I was brought up in Bonifacio so I was ready to come home and enjoy the calm and quality of life here. I was fortunate to be able to participate in the development of Murtoli Links.
Despite golf being reputed as an elitist sport, we are attracting more and more players, not just locals but from France and elsewhere, even in the present climate.

Versatility, a unique characteristic.

Au Domaine de Murtoli, un golf unique au monde

Since she arrived, Stephanie and her team are constantly adapting how each course can be played, offering even the most advanced players a multitude of variations and techniques. Not forgetting newcomers to the sport who love the experience of being surrounded by the mountains and the sea, with a driving range lined with olive trees and a fairway worthy of Scottish courses.

This year we have worked hard on the design of the fairways, leaving the roughs and long grass to grow so that there is a greater resemblance with a links course, but still in keeping with the natural environment of Murtoli.
There are now two new “sea view” starting points which give our regular golfers a new perspective of the course.

Murtoli links consists of 7 circuits of 9 holes varying in length from 100 to 500 m, so each player can choose their preferred configuration !
Even though the 9-hole course is of a high standard, improvements can still be made. Who knows if it might become an 18-hole course one day!

Golf, sharing and conviviality

Golf has the reputation of being a man’s sport, but women are gradually taking their rightful place.
It should be noted that 2 women oversee the two top golf courses in Corsica: Sperone and Murtoli Links.
Following on from the men’s team at Murtoli, when will there be a women’s golf team…?

We are in the process of creating a women’s team who I hope will very soon be taking part in regional competitions so that we have a Murtoli Girls Team that is as good as the men’s. Strictly speaking, the competition is an excuse for sharing a pleasant moment before and after the game.

Which is why Murtoli Golf Links, in conjunction with the Domaine de Murtoli, offers a combination of golf and gourmet eating….. Lunch at “La Ferme” or the beach restaurant is the guarantee of a convivial moment.

Murtoli Golf Links as an introduction to the Domaine de Murtoli.

Au Domaine de Murtoli, un golf unique au monde

Corsica’s diverse climate and geographical situation makes it an ideal destination for golfers...

Thanks to a close collaboration with Corsica’s only 18-hole golf course at Sperone, the region offers an attractive golfing destination to rival Morocco or Spain.
It is a winning combination!

What happens in winter?

In the winter, the golf course is open but there are few players except at weekends. Murtoli Golf Links plays its part as a sustainable and economic development for tourists.

We are now proposing off-season weekly breaks that include golf and accommodation. There is a strong tourist potential from abroad, Scandinavians in particular, who are accustomed to cold winter months. Corsica is an attractive option for these clients who will therefore assist in the development of tourism in the winter seasons!

On those lines, there will shortly be an 18-hole “agri golf” course in Tizzano. Stephanie Orsucci is delighted, since “The more golf courses there are, the more chance we have of attracting golfers to Corsica, it is to everyone’s advantage”.

The transportation problem still needs to be addressed. Paul Canarelli and other economic contributors are working towards the successful development of the off-season periods.

There are still many goals to be achieved, but there are plans in the pipeline!

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